2010 and before 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Papers listed in WoS (Jimp)
Ambrožová, K., Láska, K. (2017): Air temperature variability in the vertical profile over the coastal area of Petuniabukta, central Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research, 38(1), 41–60. (IF2016:0.64; Q4: Ecology; Geosciences Multidisciplinary)
Devetter, M., Háněl, L., Řeháková, K., Doležal, J. (2017): Diversity and feeding strategies of soil microfaun a along elevation gradients in Himalayan cold deserts. PLoS ONE, 12(11), e0187646. (IF2016:2.81; Q1: Multidisciplinary Sciences)
Devetter, M., Fontaneto, D., Jersabek, C.D., Welch, D.B.M., May, L., Walsh, E.J. (2017): Preface: evolving rotifers, evolving science: Proceedings of the XIV International Rotifer Symposium. Hydrobiologia, 796, 1–6. (IF2016:2.06; Q2: Marine & Freshwater Biology)
Elster, J., Margesin, R., Wagner, D., Häggblom, M. (2017): Polar and Alpine Microbiology – Earth’s Cryobiosphere. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 93, fiw221. (IF2016:3.72; Q2: Microbiology)
Hrbáček, F., Nývlt, D., Láska, K. (2017): Active Layer Thermal Dynamics at Two lithologically Different Sites on James Ross Island, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula. Catena, 149(2), 592–602. (IF2016:3.19; Q1: Geosciences Multidisciplinary; Soil Science; Water Resources)
Hrbáček, F., Kňažková, M., Nývlt, D., Láska, K., Mueller, C.W., Ondruch, J. (2017): Active layer monitoring at CALM-S site near J.G.Mendel Station, James Ross Island, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula. Science of the Total Environment, 601–602, 987–997. (IF2016:4.90; Q1: Environmental Sciences)
Kavan, J., Ondruch, J., Nývlt, D., Hrbáček, F., Carrivick, J.L., Láska, K. (2017): Seasonal hydrological and suspended sediment transport dynamics in proglacial streams, James Ross Island, Antarctica. Geografiska Annnaler Series A – Physical Geography, 97(1), 38–55. (IF2016:1.25; Q2: Geology)
Kumar, D., Kvíderová, J., Kaštánek, P., Lukavský, J. (2017): The green alga Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides biomass and polysaccharides production determined using cultivation in crossed gradients of temperature and light. Engineering in Life Sciences, 9, 1030–1038. (IF2016:1.70; Q3: Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)
Láska, K., Chládová, Z., Hošek, J. (2017): High-resolution numerical simulation of summer wind field comparing WRF boundary-layer parametrizations over complex Arctic topography: case study from central Spitsbergen. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 26(4), 391–408. (IF2016:1.99; Q2: Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences)
Nedbalová, L., Mihál, M., Kvíderová, J., Procházková, L., Řezanka, T., Elster, J. (2017): Identity, ecology and ecophysiology of planktic green algae dominating in ice-covered lakes on James Ross Island (northeastern Antarctic Peninsula). Extremophiles, 21(1), 187–200. (IF2016:2.24; Q3: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Microbiology)
Nedbalová, L., Nývlt, D., Lirio, J.M., Kavan, J., Elster, J. (2017): Current distribution of Branchinecta gaini on James Ross Island and Vega Island. Antarctic Science, 29(4), 141–142. (IF2016:1.46; Q3: Environmental Sciences; Geography Physical; Geosciences Multidisciplinary)
Oliva, M., Hrbáček, F., Ruiz-Fernandéz, J., de Pablo, M.A., Vieira, G., Ramos, M., Antoniades. D. (2017): Active layer dynamics in three topographically distinct lake catchments in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica). Catena, 149(2), 548–559. (IF2016:3.19; Q1: Geosciences Multidisciplinary; Soil Science; Water Resources)
Oliva, M., Navarro, F., Hrbáček, F., Hernandéz, A., Nývlt, D., Perreira, P., Ruiz-Fernadéz, J., Trigo, R. (2017): Recent regional climate cooling on the Antarctic Peninsula and associated impacts on the cryosphere. Science of the Total Environment, 580, 210–223. (IF2016:4.90; Q1: Environmental Sciences)
Pouska, V., Macek, P., Zíbarová, L., Ostrow, H. (2017): How does the richness of wood-decaying fungi relate to wood microclimate? Fungal Ecology, 27, 178–181. (IF2016:3.22; Q1: Mycology)
Pushkareva, E., Kvíderová, J., Šimek, M., Elster, J. (2017) Nitrogen fixation and diurnal changes of photosynthetic activity in Arctic soil crusts at different development stage. European Journal of Soil Biology, 79, 21–30. (IF2016:2.45; Q2: Ecology; Soil Sciences)
Sedláček I., Králová, S., Kyrová, K., Maslanová, I., Busse H.-J., Stanková, E., Vrbovská, V., Němec, M., Barták, M., Holochová, P., Švec, P., Pantůček, R. (2017): Red-pink pigmented Hymenobacter coccineus sp nov., Hymenobacter lapidarius sp nov and Hymenobacter glacialis sp nov., isolated from rocks in Antarctica. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 67, 1975–1983. (IF2016:2.13; Q3: Microbiology)
Sedláček I., Pantůček, R., Maslanová, I., Králová, S., Holochová, P., Stanková, E., Sobotka, R., Barták, M., Busse H.-J., Švec, P. (2017): Mucilaginibacter terrae sp nov., isolated from Antarctic soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 67, 4002–4007. (IF2016:2.13; Q3: Microbiology)
Smykla, J., Porazinska, D.L., Iakovenko, N.S., Devetter, M., Drewnik, M., Hii, S.Y., Emslie, S.D. (2018): Geochemical and biotic factors influencing diversity and distribution patterns of soil microfauna across ice-free coastal habitats in Victoria Land, Antarctica. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 116, 265–276. (IF2016:4.86; Q1: Soil Science)
Schöb, C., Macek, P., Pistón, N, Kikvidze, Z., Pugnaire, F.I. (2017): A trait-based approach to understand the consequences of specific plant interactions for community structure. Journal of Vegetation Science, 28, 696–704. (IF2016:2.92; Q1: Plant Science; Forestry)
Švec, P., Králová, S., Busse, H.-J., Kleinhagauer, T., Kyrová, K., Pantůček, R., Maslanová, I., Stankova, E., Němec, M., Holochová, P., Barták, M., Sedláček, I. (2017): Pedobacter psychrophilus sp nov., isolated from fragmentary rock. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 67, 2538–2543. (IF2016:2.13; Q3: Microbiology)
Švec, P., Králová, S., Busse, H.-J., Kleinhagauer, T., Pantůček, R., Maslanová, I., Cnockaert, M., Vandamme, P., Stankova, E., Gelbicova, T., Holochová, P., Barták, M., Kyrová, K., Sedláček, I. (2017): Pedobacter jamesrossensis sp nov., Pedobacter lithocola sp nov., Pedobacter mendelii sp nov and Pedobacter petrophilus sp nov., isolated from the Antarctic environment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 67, 1499–1507. (IF2016:2.13; Q3: Microbiology)
Tyml, T., Lares‐Jiménez, L. F., Kostka, M., Dyková, I. (2017): Neovahlkampfia nana n. sp. reinforcing an underrepresented subclade of Tetramitia, Heterolobosea. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 64(1), 78–87. (IF2016:2.69; Q2: Microbiology)
Tyml, T., Dyková, I. (2017): Phylogeny and taxonomy of new and re-examined strains of Tubulinea (Amoebozoa). European Journal of Protistology, 61, 41–47. (IF2016:2.58; Q2: Microbiology)
Trnková, K., Barták, M. (2017): Desiccation-induced changes in photochemical processes of photosynthesis and spectral reflectance in Nostoc commune (Cyanobacteria, Nostocales) colonies from polar regions. Phycological Research, 65, 44–50. (IF2016:1.34; Q3: Marine & Freshwater Biology)
Vítová, A., Macek, P., Lepš, J. (2017): Disentangling the interplay of generative and vegetative propagation among different functional groups during gap colonization in Meadows. Functional Ecology, 31, 458–468. (IF2016:5.63; Q1: Ecology)
Papers listed in Scopus (Jsc)
Halici, M. G., Gullu, M., Barták, M. (2017): First record of a common endolithic lichenized fungus species Catenarina desolata Sochting, Sogaard et Elvebakk. from James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula). Czech Polar Reports, 7(1), 11–17.
Kvíderová, J., Elster, J. (2017): Photosynthetic activity of Arctic Vaucheria (Xanthophyceae) measured in microcosmos. Czech Polar Reports, 7(1), 52–61.
Marečková, M., Barták, M. (2017): Short-term responses of primary processes in PS II to low temperature are sensitively indicated by fast chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum. Czech Polar Reports, 7(1), 74–82.
Monograph chapters (C)
Devetter, M., Přikryl, I. (2017): Rotifera. In: Hejda, R., Farkač, J., Chobot, K. (eds): Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České Republiky. Bezobratlí. Příroda, Praha, 36, 1–612.
Kvíderová, J., Shukla, S.P., Pushparaj, B., Elster, J. (2017): Perspectives of low-temperature biomass production of polar microalgae and biotechnology expansion into high latitudes. In: Margesin, R. (ed): Psychrophiles: From Biodiversity to Biotechnology. Springer, Cham, 585–600.