doc. Mgr. Daniel Nývlt, Ph.D.

Vedoucí Českého antarktického výzkumného programu
Paleoklimatologie, geologie čtvrtohor a ledovců, sedimentologie, geomorfologie
tel.: +420 606 273 266

Hlavní publikace:

NÝVLT, D., KOŠLER, J., MLČOCH, B., MIXA, P., LISÁ, L., BUBÍK, M., HENDRIKS, B.W.H. (2011): The Mendel Formation: Evidence for Late Miocene climatic cyclicity at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 299, 363–384.
NÝVLT, D., BRAUCHER, R., ENGEL, Z., MLČOCH, B., ASTER Team (2014): Timing of the Northern Prince Gustav Ice Stream retreat and the deglaciation of northern James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula during the last glacial–interglacial transition. Quaternary Research, 82, 441–449.
OLIVA, M., NAVARRO, F., HRBÁČEK, F., HERNÁNDEZ, A., NÝVLT, D., PEREIRA, P., RUIZ-FERNÁNDEZ, J., TRIGO, R. (2017): Recent regional climate cooling on the Antarctic Peninsula and associated impacts on the cryosphere. Science of the Total Environment, 580, 210–223.
RUIZ-FERNÁNDEZ, J., OLIVA, M., NÝVLT, D., CANNONE, N., GARCÍA-HERNÁNDEZ, C., GUGLIELMIN, M., HRBÁČEK, F., ROMAN, M., FERNÁNDEZ, S., LÓPEZ-MARTÍNEZ, J., ANTONIADES, D. (2019): Patterns of spatio-temporal paraglacial response in the Antarctic Peninsula region and associated ecological implications. Earth-Science Reviews, 192, 379–402.
ČEJKA, T., NÝVLT, D., KOPALOVÁ, K., BULÍNOVÁ, M., KAVAN, J., LIRIO, J.M., CORIA, S.H., VAN DE VIJVER, B. (2020): Timing of the Neoglacial onset on the north-eastern Antarctic Peninsula based on lacustrine archive from Lake Anónima, Vega Island. Global and Planetary Change, 184, 103050.