Research interest: periglacial processes, niveo-aeolian processes
Position: Postdoctoral research
Tel.: +420 776 467 725
Kňažková, M., Hrbáček, F., Kavan, J, Nývlt, D., 2020. Effect of hyaloclastite breccia boulders on meso-scale periglacial-aeolian landsystem in semi-arid Antarctic environment, James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica, 46, 7–31.
Kňažková, M., Nývlt, D., Hrbáček, F., 2021. Slope processes connected with snow patches in semi-arid ice-free areas of James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Geomorphology, 373, 107429.
Hrbáček, F., Engel., Z., Kňažková, M., Smolíková, J., 2021. Effect of ephemeral snow cover on the active layer thermal regime and thickness on CALM-S JGM site, James Ross Island, eastern Antarctic Peninsula. Catena 207, 105608.
Kavan, J., Nývlt, D., Láska, K., Engel, Z., Kňažková, M., 2020. High latitude dust deposition in snow on the glaciers of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45, 1569–1578.