experimental algology; isolation & culturing techniques; fluorescence & spectral reflectance; vegetation activity
Assistant professor / polar technician
Email, tel.:, 549 49 7862
Researcher ID: AAF-2323-2021
Publons: AAF-2323-2021
Bednaříková, M., Váczi, P., Lazár, D., Barták, M. (2020) Photosynthetic performance of Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum when affected by desiccation and low temperatures. Photosynthesis Research 145(2): 159-177.
VÁCZI, Peter, Miloš BARTÁK, Michaela BEDNAŘÍKOVÁ, Filip HRBÁČEK and Josef HÁJEK. Spectral properties of Antarctic and Alpine vegetation monitored by multispectral camera: Case studies from James Ross Island and Jeseníky Mts.
Czech Polar Reports. 10(2) 297-312.
Barták, M., Váczi, P. & Hájek, J. (2012) Photosynthetic activity in three vascular species of Spitsbergen vegetation during summer season in response to microclimate. Polish Polar Research, 33: 443-462.
Váczi P, Gauslaa Y, Solhaug KA (2018) Efficient fungal UV-screening provides a remarkably high UV-B tolerance of photosystem II in lichen photobionts. Plant Physiol Biochem 132:89–94.
Králová S, Švec P, Busse H-JJ, et al (2018) Flavobacterium chryseum sp. Nov. and flavobacterium psychroterrae sp. nov., novel environmental bacteria isolated from antarctica. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 68:3132–3139.
Ilík, P., Schansker, G., Kotabová, E., Váczi, P., Strasser, R. J. & Barták, M. (2006) A dip in the chlorophyll fluorescence induction at 0.2–2 s in Trebouxia-possessing lichens reflects a fast reoxidation of photosystem I. A comparison with higher plants. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics 1757: 12–20.