2010 and before 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Papers listed in WoS (Jimp)
Ambrožová, K., Hrbáček F., Láska, K., (2020): The Summer Surface Energy Budget of the Ice-Free Area of Northern James Ross Island and Its Impact on the Ground Thermal Regime. Atmosphere, 11(8), 877 (IF 2.397; Q3).
Arena, C., Conti, S., Francesca, S., Melchionna, G., Hájek, J., Barták, M., Barone, A., Rigano, M. M. (2020): Eco-physiological screening of different tomato genotypes in response to high temperatures: A combined field-to-laboratory approach. Plants-Basel, 9(4), 508. (IF 2.762; Q1)
Aun, M., Lakkala, K., Sanchez, R., Asmi, E., Nollas, F., Meinander, O., Sogacheva, L., De Bock, V., Arola, A., de Leeuw, G., Aaltonen, V., Bolsée, D., Cizkova, K., Mangold, A., Metelka, L., Jakobson, E., Svendby, T., Gillotay, D., and Van Opstal, B. 2020. Solar UV radiation measurements in Marambio, Antarctica, during years 2017–2019. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 6037–6054. (IF 5.414; Q1)
Bednaříková, M., Folgar-Cameán, Y., Kučerová, Z., Lazár, D., Špundová, M., Hájek, J., Barták, M. (2020): Analysis of K- and L-band appearance in OJIPs in Antarctic lichens in low and high temperature. Special issue in honour of Prof. Reto J. Strasser. Photosynthetica, 58 (2), 646–656. (IF = 2.562; Q2)
Bednaříková, M., Váczi, P., Lazár, D., Barták, M. (2020): Photosynthetic performance of Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum when affected by desiccation and low temperatures. Photosynthesis Research, 145, 159–177. (IF = 3.216; Q1)
Bulínová, M., Kohler, T.J., Kavan, J., Van De Vijver, B., Nývlt, D., Nedbalová, L., Coria, S.H., Lirio, J.M., Kopalová, K. (2020): Comparison of diatom paleo-assemblages with adjacent limno-terrestrial communities on Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Water, 12, 1340. (IF 2.544; Q2)
Čejka, T., Nývlt, D., Kopalová, K., Bulínová, M., Kavan, J., Lirio, J.M., Coria, S.H., Van De Vijver, B. (2020): Timing of the Neoglacial onset on the north-eastern Antarctic Peninsula based on lacustrine archive from Lake Anónima, Vega Island. Global and Planetary Change, 184, 103050. (IF 4.448, Q1)
Glasser, N.F., Roman, M., Holt, T.O., Zebre, M., Patton, H., Hubbard, A.L., (2020): Modification of bedrock surfaces by glacial abrasion and quarrying: Evidence from North Wales. Geomorphology, 365, 107283. (IF 3.819; Q1) Holochová, P., Mašlaňová, I., Sedláček, I., Švec, P., Králová, S., Kovařovic, V., Busse H.-J., Staňková, E., Barták, M., Pantůček, R. (2020): Description of Massilia rubra sp. nov., Massilia aquatica sp. nov., Massilia mucilaginosa sp. nov., Massilia frigida sp. nov., and one Massilia genomospecies isolated from Antarctic streams, lakes and regoliths. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 43, No 5. (IF = 3.224; Q2)
Holochová, P., Mašlaňová, I., Sedláček, I., Švec, P., Králová, S., Kovařovic, V., Busse, H. J., Staňková, E., Barták, M., & Pantůček, R. (2020). Description of Massilia rubra sp. nov., Massilia aquatica sp. nov., Massilia mucilaginosa sp. nov., Massilia frigida sp. nov., and one Massilia genomospecies isolated from Antarctic streams, lakes and regoliths. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 43(5), 126112. (IF 4.064 ; Q1).
Hrbáček, F., Oliva, M., Ruiz-Fernández, J., Kňažková, M., de Pablo, M.A., (2020): Modelling ground thermal regime in bordering (dis)continuous permafrost environments. Environmental Research, 181, 108901. (IF 5.715; Q1).
Hrbáček, F., Cannone, N., Kňažková, M., Malfasi, F., Convey, P., Guglielmin, M., (2020): Effect of climate and moss vegetation on ground surface temperature and the active layer among different biogeographical regions in Antarctica. Catena, 190, 104562. (IF 4.333; Q1).
Hrbáček, F., Uxa, T., (2020): The evolution of a near‐surface ground thermal regime and modeled active‐layer thickness on James Ross Island, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula, in 2006–2016. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 31(1), 141–155. (IF 2.701; Q1)
Kavan, J. (2020): Early twentieth century evolution of Ferdinand glacier, Svalbard, based on historic photographs and structure-from-motion technique. Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography, 102, 57–67. (IF 1.773; Q2) Kavan, J. (2020): Post-Little Ice Age Development of Coast in the Locality of Kapp Napier, Central Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago. Marine Geodesy, 43, 234–247. (IF 1.322; Q3)
Kavan, J., Láska, K., Nawrot, A., Wawrzyniak, T. (2020): High Latitude Dust Transport Altitude Pattern Revealed from Deposition on Snow, Svalbard. Atmosphere. 11(12):1318. doi: 10.3390/atmos11121318.
Kavan, J., Nývlt, D., Láska, K., Engel, Z., Kňažková, M. (2020): High-latitude dust deposition in snow on the glaciers of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45, 1569–1578. (IF 3.694; Q1)
Kňažková, M., Hrbáček, F., Nývlt, D., Kavan, J., (2020). Effect of hyaloclastite breccia boulders on meso-scale periglacial-aeolian landsystem in semi-arid antarctic environment, James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, 46, 7–31. (WoS)
Lang, J., Barták, M., Hájek, J., Váczi, P., Zikmundová, B. (2020): Chilling effects on primary photosynthetic processes in Medicago sativa: Acclimatory changes after short- and long-term exposure to low temperatures. Biologia, 75, 1105–1114. (IF 0.811; Q4)
Lecomte, K.L., Vignoni, P.A., Echegoyen, C.V., Santolaya, P., Kopalová, K., Kohler, T.J., Roman, M., Coria, S.H., Lirio, J.M., (2020): Dissolved major and trace geochemical dynamics in Antarctic lacustrine systems. Chemosphere, 240, 124938. (IF 5.778; Q1)
Lembrechts, J.J., Aalto, J., Ashcroft, M.B., et al., (2020): SoilTemp: a global database of near‐surface temperature. Global Change Biology. (IF 8.555; Q1)
Mishra, K. B., Vítek, P., Mishra, A., Hájek, J., Barták, M. (2020): Chlorophyll a fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy can monitor activation/deactivation of photosynthesis and carotenoids in Antarctic lichens. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 239, 118458. (IF = 3.232; Q1)
Nováková, D., Švec, P., Zeman, M., Busse, H.-J., Mašlaňová, I., Pantůček, R., Králová, S., Krištofová, L., Sedláček, I. (2020): Pseudomonas leptonychotis sp. nov., isolated from Weddell seals in Antarctica. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70(1), 302–308. (IF 2.166; Q3)
Obu, J., Westermann, S., Vieira, G., Abramov, A., Balks, M.R., Bartsch, A., Hrbáček, F., Kaab, A., Ramos, M., (2020): Pan-Antarctic map of near-surface permafrost temperatures at 1 km2 scale. The Cryosphere, 14(2), 497–519. (IF 4.713; Q1) Olivero, E.B., Torres Carbonell P.J., Svojtka, M., Fanning, M., Hervé, F., Nývlt, D. (2020): Eocene volcanism in the Fuegian Andes: Evidence from petrography and detrital zircons in marine volcaniclastic sandstones. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 104, 102853. (IF 1.704; Q3)
Ondráčková, L., Nývlt, D., Hanáček, M. (2020): Effect of bedrock morphology, axial transport and lateral material sources on braided river sediments: A case study from Munin Valley, central Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 41, 3, 213–235. (IF 1.065; Q4)
Ondráčková, L., Surian, N., Nývlt, D., Stuchlík, R. (2020): Downstream variability of channel morphology and bed material in the braided Keller River, James Ross Island, Antarctica. Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 43(2), 195–206. (IF 1,258; Q4).
Orémuš, Z., Hassan, K.A., Chmelík, J., Kňažková, M., Byška, J., Raidou, R.G., Kozlíková, B., (2020): PINGU Principles of Interactive Navigation for Geospatial Understanding. 2020 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis). (WoS) Roldán, D.M., Kyrpides, N., Woyke, T., Shapiro N., Whitman, W.B., Králová, S., Sedláček, I., Busse H.-J., Menes, R.J. (2020): Hymenobacter artigasi sp. nov., isolated from air sampling in maritime Antarctica. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70, 4935–4941. (IF 2.166; Q3)
Roldán, D. M., Kyrpides, N., Woyke, T., Shapiro, N., Whitman, W. B., Králová, S., Sedláček, I., Busse, H. J., & Menes, R. J. (2020). Hymenobacter artigasi sp. nov., isolated from air sampling in maritime Antarctica. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70(9), 4935–4941. (IF 2.689; Q4)
Sedláček, I., Pantůček, R., Zeman, M., Holochová, P., Šedo, O., Staňková, E., Švec, P., Králová, S., Vídeňská, P., Micénková, L., Urvashi, Korpole, S., Lal, R. (2020): Hymenobacter terrestris sp. nov. and Hymenobacter lapidiphilus sp. nov., isolated from regoliths in Antarctica. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70, 6364–6372. (IF 2.166; Q3) Snopková, K., Čejková, D., Dufková, K., Sedláček, I., Šmajs, D. (2020): Genome sequences of two Antarctic strains of Pseudomonas prosekii: insights into adaptation to extreme conditions. Archives of Microbiology, 202(3), 447–454. (IF 1.884; Q4)
Vašinka, M., Krmíček, L., Všianský, D., Hrbáček, F., Nývlt, D. (2020): Chemical weathering in Antarctica: an example of igneous rock particles in Big Lachman Lake sediments, James Ross Island. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79(8), 186. (IF 2.18; Q2)
Vrbovská, V., Sedláček, I., Zeman, M., Švec, P., Kovařovic, V., Šedo, O., Laichmanová, M., Doškař, J., Pantůček, R. (2020): Characterization of Staphylococcus intermedius Group Isolates Associated with Animals from Antarctica and Emended Description of Staphylococcus delphini. Microorganisms, 8(2), 204. (IF 4.152; Q2)
Papers listed in Scopus (Jsc)
Barták, M., Orekhova, A., Nezval, J., Oravec, M., Hájek, J., Špunda, V., Tříska, J., Bednaříková, M., Giudici, G.N.M., Pech, R. (2020): Light regimen-induced variability of photosynthetic pigments and UV-B absorbing compounds in Luzula sylvatica from arcto-alpine tundra. Czech Polar Reports, 10 (2): 263–280.
Halıcı, G., Osman, M.M.O., Merve Kahraman, M. (2020): A new record of lichenized fungus species for Antarctica: Peltigera castanea Goward, Goffinet & Miądl. Czech Polar Reports, 10 (1): 50–58.
Kavan J., Anděrová V. (2020): Impacts of increased tourism on polar environment – case studies from Svalbard and Iceland. Czech Polar Reports, 10 (1): 59–68.
Laichmanová M. (2020): New records of Oleoguttula mirabilis and Rachicladosporium antarcticum from James Ross Island, Antarctica. Czech Polar Reports, 10 (2): 226–235.
Mlčoch, B., Nývlt, D., Mixa, P., Eds. (2020): Geological map of James Ross Island – Northern Part 1 : 25 000. Czech Geological Survey, Praha.
Nývlt, D., Glasser, N.F., Hocking, E., Oliva, M., Roberts, S.J., Roman, M. (2020): Tracing the deglaciation since the Last Glacial Maximum. In: Oliva, M., Ruiz-Fernández, J. (Eds): Past Antarctica. Palaeoclimatology and Climate Change. 89–107. Academic Press, London.
Pěnčík, O., Jiráčková, K., Mašlaňová, I., Švec, P., Sedláček, I., Nývlt, D. (2020): Spatial structure of permafrost and active layer from the James Ross Island, Antarctica: Geological and Microbiological Insights (Biosciences 2019 – Abstracts). Czech Polar Reports 10 (1): 127–128.
Váczi, P., Barták, M., Bednaříková, M., Hrbáček, F., Hajek, J. (2020): Spectral properties of Alpine and Antarctic vegetation monitored by multispectral camera: Case studies from the Jeseníky Mts. and James Ross Island. Czech Polar Reports, 10 (2): 297–309.
Wiess, J., Orekhova, A. (2020): Biometrical analysis and thallus morphology of Placopsis antarctica from King George Island, Antarctics. Czech Polar Reports, 10 (2): 161–168.